
Managing sleep during menopause

Women typically go through menopause between the ages of 45–55. It's a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's reproductive cycle. This transition can usher in many symptoms, including hot flashes, anxiety ...


The 'male menopause'—what you need to know

East Midlands Ambulance Service is reportedly giving men up to a year of paid leave for "andropause related issues", which some are calling the "male menopause."

Oncology & Cancer

Breast health during menopause

Your risk of breast cancer increases with age, especially after menopause. Around eight out of 10 breast cancer cases happen in women over 50.


What's in your gut could be aggravating your menopause symptoms

Over the last decade, a lot has been learned about what a person's poop says about their overall health. Factors such as frequency of defecation and stool consistency can signify a number of health problems. A new study suggests ...

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