
Unlocking clues of cognitive dysfunction risk and mental disorders

For decades, research has produced vast amounts of data on how the brain works – how we think, how we learn, what happens when the brain is injured – and it is moving toward diagnosing mental illnesses that affect millions, ...


As the eyes go, so may the mind

(HealthDay)—A new study sheds light on how vision loss is linked to mental decline in seniors.

Psychology & Psychiatry

World-first brain imaging study to understand mind blindness

To determine why some people cannot create visual images of people, places and things in their mind's eye, UNSW scientists are planning to conduct a world-first brain imaging study of people with this baffling condition, ...


How exercise can boost your brain function

In Canada, approximately one in five adults will experience a mental illness in their lifetime, with similar numbers reported in the United States.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does pot really dull a teen's brain?

Pot-smoking teens may not be dooming themselves to a destiny of dim-wittedness, a new review suggests.

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