
On Nutrition: Food for thoughts

I forgot that June was Brain Health Awareness Month. And then I stumbled over several interesting research articles that say it's never to late—or early—to learn.


Are EEG neurofeedback benefits due to placebo effects?

Neurofeedback using electroencephalograpy boasts thousands of practitioners and appears to both improve normal brain function and alleviate a wide variety of mental disorders – from anxiety to alcoholism. But after examining ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dopamine and hippocampus

Bruno Giros, PhD, a researcher at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and a professor in the Department of Psychiatry at McGill University, has demonstrated, for the first time, the role that dopamine plays in ...


Fish oil may help the heart beat mental stress

Why is fish oil good for the heart? A new study suggests that this omega 3 fatty acid-rich nutrient could blunt some cardiovascular effects of mental stress.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New research supports youth with mood and anxiety disorders

75% of mental illnesses emerge by age 25. Mood and anxiety disorders are among the most common conditions, yet there is little support for youth in this age group. A new study from Lawson Health Research Institute shows that ...


A glass of milk a day could benefit your brain

Pouring at least one glass of milk each day could not only boost your intake of much-needed key nutrients, but it could also positively impact your brain and mental performance, according to a recent study in the International ...

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