Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers seek 'fingerprints' of severe mental diseases

Researchers from McLean Hospital and Yale University have published findings of their study of large-scale systems in the brain, findings that could improve understanding of the symptoms and causes of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression in 20s linked to memory loss in 50s, psychologists find

A new large-scale longitudinal study carried out by University of Sussex psychologists has found a clear link between episodes of depression and anxiety experienced by adults in their twenties, thirties and forties, with ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New approaches in neuroscience show it's not all in your head

Our own unique experiences shape how we view the world and respond to the events in our lives. But experience is highly subjective. What's distressing or joyful to one person may be very different to another.


Attention neuron type identified

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, have identified for the first time a cell type in the brain of mice that is integral to attention. By manipulating the activity of this cell type, the scientists ...

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