
Menopausal mood swings can signal more serious mental illness

Most women expect to experience the effects of hormonal changes when they come to menopause and many anticipate increased irritability and mood swings. But mood swings that can be just an annoyance for some women can develop ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Some folks do age slower than others

(HealthDay)—People really do vary in how fast they age, and the divergence starts in young adulthood, a new study suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How compassion can triumph over toxic childhood trauma

In a recent piece on the television show 60 Minutes, Oprah Winfrey discussed childhood trauma —shining a public spotlight on the lasting effects of abuse and adversity in childhood. Oprah herself is a survivor of childhood ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How bullying affects the brain

New research from King's College London identifies a possible mechanism that shows how bullying may influence the structure of the adolescent brain, suggesting the effects of constantly being bullied are more than just psychological.

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