Psychology & Psychiatry

Five years after water crisis, 1 in 5 Flint residents has PTSD

Data from the largest mental health survey of the Flint, Michigan community indicate that one in five adults, or roughly 13,600 people, were estimated to have clinical depression, and one in four, or 15,000 people, were estimated ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Ageism and health: Study shows close links

Nearly all older adults have experienced some form of ageism in their everyday lives, a new study finds—whether it's seeing ageist messages and images on television or the internet, encountering people who imply that they're ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Team sports linked to fewer mental health difficulties for kids

A large-scale study of U.S. children and adolescents has found that participation in a team sport is associated with fewer mental health difficulties, but that kids who are exclusively involved in an individual sport—such ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teen internet usage associated with stress and suicidal ideation

A survey of nearly 30,000 high school students in Korea reveals an association between non-academic time spent on the Internet and mental health, with teenagers who spent more time online having higher levels of stress and ...

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