Psychology & Psychiatry

Creative workshops can aid mental health recovery

Artistic mediums such as visual art, music, dance and creative writing may empower people recovering from mental health issues to share their stories and gain confidence and understanding of their illness.

Psychology & Psychiatry

When hoarding becomes a health problem

Hoarding is a recognized mental health condition and should be treated as such—without the stigma associated with high-profile cases seen in the media, a UNSW clinical psychologist says.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study offers new details on pediatric mental health boarding

A Dartmouth-led study, published in the journal Pediatrics, offers new details about pediatric mental health boarding in emergency departments across the country, a problem that has steadily increased in the last 10 years ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

CDC: Women more likely to experience anxiety, depression

(HealthDay)—Women are more likely to experience anxiety and depression, and women and older children are more likely to receive mental health treatment, according to new statistics from four data briefs published by the ...

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