Psychology & Psychiatry

Keeping watch on mental health

Increasingly popular smart watches can be used to help clinicians identify early warning signs of mental health disorders and monitor the success of treatment.

Psychology & Psychiatry

CDC probes troubling rise in suicide among Utah teens

(HealthDay)—Between 2011 and 2015, the rate of suicide for Utah's teens—mostly boys—more than doubled and greatly outpaced the national average for these tragedies, a new report finds.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why Americans are unhappier than ever – and how to fix it

March 20 is International Day of Happiness and, as they've done every year, the United Nations has published the World Happiness Report. The U.S. ranks 18th among the world's countries, with an average life satisfaction of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why mental health treatment is not an easy solution to violence

In the wake of mass shootings and other tragedies, a frequent refrain is: Why don't we get those dangerous people off the streets? And, just as frequently, people suggest that mental health treatment is the answer.

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