
Unlocking clues of cognitive dysfunction risk and mental disorders

For decades, research has produced vast amounts of data on how the brain works – how we think, how we learn, what happens when the brain is injured – and it is moving toward diagnosing mental illnesses that affect millions, ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Study: Lowering blood pressure helps prevent mental decline

Lowering blood pressure more than usually recommended not only helps prevent heart problems, it also cuts the risk of mental decline that often leads to Alzheimer's disease, a major study finds.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression common in U.S., women hit hardest

(HealthDay)—Nearly one in 10 U.S. adults has depression, and the rate is almost twice as high for women as men, health officials say.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds infection and schizophrenia symptom link

If a mother's immune system is activated by infection during pregnancy, it could result in critical cognitive deficits linked to schizophrenia in her offspring, a University of Otago study has revealed.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Hearing is believing: Speech may be a clue to mental decline

Your speech may, um, help reveal if you're uh ... developing thinking problems. More pauses, filler words and other verbal changes might be an early sign of mental decline, which can lead to Alzheimer's disease, a study suggests.

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