Psychology & Psychiatry

Classifying neural circuit dysfunctions using neuroeconomics

The traditional approach to psychiatric diagnosis is based on grouping patients on the basis of symptom clusters. This approach to diagnosis has a number of problems, as symptoms are not necessarily specific to a single diagnosis. ...


Detecting hidden brain states with mathematical models

Mental health disorders can only be diagnosed on the basis of symptoms—and individual outcomes cannot be accurately predicted. An ETH scientist hopes to change that with the help of mathematical models.


How teens learn about others

Despite their intense interest in other people, adolescents are slower to learn about the preferences of their peers than adults, according to results from a new approach to studying social development published in Journal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Increased brain acidity in psychiatric disorders

The body's acid/alkaline homeostasis, or maintenance of an adequate pH balance in tissues and organs, is important for good health. An imbalance in pH, particularly a shift toward acidity, is associated with various clinical ...


'Dark genome' is involved in Rett Syndrome

Researchers at the Epigenetics and Cancer Biology Program at IDIBELL led by Manel Esteller, ICREA researcher and professor of genetics at the University of Barcelona, have described alterations in noncoding long chain RNA ...

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