Arthritis & Rheumatism

3-D bioprinting constructs for cartilage regeneration

Cartilage injury is a common cause of joint dysfunction and existing joint prostheses cannot remodel with host joint tissue. However, it is challenging to develop large-scale biomimetic anisotropic constructs that structurally ...


To repair a damaged heart, three cells are better than one

Cell therapy for cardiac regeneration, while promising, has been hampered by issues with long-term survival of the transplanted cells. Now, a technique that combines three different types of cells in a 3-D cluster could improve ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers study how tumor cells divide in the crowd

Scientists led by Dr. Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich, group leader at the Excellence Cluster Physics of Life (PoL) and the Biotechnology Center TU Dresden (BIOTEC) studied how cancer cells are able to divide in a crowded tumor ...


Heart attack damage reduced by shielded stem cells

Bioengineers and surgeons from Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) have shown that shielding stem cells with a novel biomaterial improves the cells' ability to heal heart injuries caused by heart attacks.

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Blood test could reveal when rheumatoid arthritis will strike

AThe cells, dubbed "PRIME cells," accumulate in the blood during the week prior to disease flare-ups, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator Robert Darnell's team reports July 15, 2020, in the New England Journal of ...

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