
Losing sleep? Scientists evaluate why

The issue of sleep deprivation has gone beyond the counting of sheep and into the scientific domain, as European researchers set up 'sleep labs' to study the biomedical and sociological factors keeping us awake at night.


Why children misbehave when they are tired

Being tired is a feeling we often experience. When we do certain activities—physical or mental—over a period of time, or even after experiencing intense emotional states, we feel tired, perhaps even exhausted.


Endocrine disruptors cause fatty liver

Exposure to low doses of hormone-disrupting chemicals early in life can alter gene expression in the liver as well as liver function, increasing the susceptibility to obesity and other metabolic diseases in adulthood, a new ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study links fatty liver and heart failure in obese people

Fatty liver is independently associated with subclinical heart failure in obese people, according to a new study published online in the journal Radiology. The findings add more support to the importance of dietary interventions ...

Medical research

Gene links obesity and immunity

Auckland scientists have discovered a gene that links the immune system with obesity and potentially a new pathway to fight the worldwide obesity epidemic.

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