Oncology & Cancer

Controlling the metabolism of cancer cells

Cancer cells show unchecked rapid growth beyond tissue boundaries that is no longer stopped by normal control mechanisms. Due to this rapid growth, the metabolism of cancer cells is altered compared to that of cells that ...

Medical research

Blood pressure hormone promotes obesity

New research by University of Iowa scientists helps explain how a hormone system often targeted to treat cardiovascular disease can also lower metabolism and promote obesity.

Medical research

First clinical trial of red wine ingredient shows metabolic shifts

When obese men take a relatively small dose of resveratrol in purified form every day for a month, their metabolisms change for the better. In fact, the effects appear to be as good for us as severe calorie restriction. Resveratrol ...

Overweight & Obesity

When we lose weight, where does it go?

The world is obsessed with fad diets and weight loss, yet few of us know how a kilogram of fat actually vanishes off the scales.

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