Oncology & Cancer

When healthy cells stimulate the migration of tumor cells

Estrogens act as a driving force of both healthy and cancerous mammary cell growth by binding to receptors that include a type named GPER, which is generally located in cell membranes. Recent studies have, however, revealed ...

Oncology & Cancer

New bone-in technique tests therapies for breast cancer metastasis

A new laboratory technique developed by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and other institutions can rapidly test the effectiveness of treatments for life-threatening breast cancer metastases in bone. The study appears ...

Oncology & Cancer

Essential protein for metastasis identified

An essential protein that regulates our heart beat turns out to be important for cancer cells as well. The discovery might open novel treatment strategies for fighting metastasis. Publication in Science Signaling on April ...

Oncology & Cancer

'Jumonji' protein key to Ewing's sarcoma rampage

By the time Ewing's Sarcoma is diagnosed, primarily in teens and young adults, it has often spread from its primary site to other parts of the body, making it difficult to treat. A University of Colorado Cancer Center study ...

Oncology & Cancer

Tighten the grip on metastasis

Metastasis is the major cause of cancer-related death and its appearance remains a phenomenon that is difficult to predict and manage. We now know that, prior to the arrival of the cancer cells, tumours prepare the ground ...

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