Oncology & Cancer

Accelerated biological aging may cause bowel cancer

Scientists have shown how accelerated biological aging measured by an epigenetic clock may increase the risk of bowel cancer, according to a report published today in eLife.

Medical research

Team uses MRI to image epigenetics in the brain

A multidisciplinary team at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has devised a new approach to 3D imaging that captures DNA methylation, a key epigenetic change associated with learning in the brain. The scientists ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Placenta may hold clues for early autism diagnosis and intervention

New UC Davis MIND Institute research has identified a novel human gene linked to fetal brain development and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The discovery also links the gene to the mother's early prenatal vitamin use and ...

Oncology & Cancer

Could a pap test help detect breast, ovarian cancers, too?

Pap tests have long been used to detect cervical cancer early, but preliminary research suggests that cervical cells collected during those tests could also be used to catch other cancers, including deadly ovarian tumors.

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