Psychology & Psychiatry

Child abuse could leave 'molecular scars' on its victims

Children who are abused might carry the imprint of that trauma in their cells—a biochemical marking that is detectable years later, according to new research from the University of British Columbia and Harvard University.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Nurses' care of young mothers leaves traces in babies' DNA

Researchers have known for a couple of decades that early life adversity can affect the way that particular genes function through a process called epigenetics—a bit like a dimmer switch on a light, pushing gene activity ...

Medical research

Team uses MRI to image epigenetics in the brain

A multidisciplinary team at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has devised a new approach to 3D imaging that captures DNA methylation, a key epigenetic change associated with learning in the brain. The scientists ...


Long-term endurance training impacts muscle epigenetics

A new study from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden shows that long-term endurance training in a stable way alters the epigenetic pattern in the human skeletal muscle. The research team behind the study, which is being published ...


Study sheds light on the darker parts of our genetic heritage

More than half of our genome consists of transposons,DNA sequences that are reminiscent of ancient, extinct viruses.Transposons are normally silenced by a process known as DNA methylation, but their activation can lead to ...


Late-life exercise shows rejuvenating effects on cellular level

For people who hate exercising, here comes some more bad news: it may also keep you younger. Not just looking younger, but actually younger, on an epigenetic level. By now, the benefits of exercise have been well established, ...

Medical research

Caloric restriction for anti-aging

(Medical Xpress)—The idea that reducing the amount of food you eat can slow metabolism and extend lifespan has been around for a while. Only recently has it become more mainstream. On sites like the popular Fight Aging ...

Medical research

Diagnosing brain tumors with a blood test

A simple but highly sensitive blood test has been found to accurately diagnose and classify different types of brain tumors, resulting in more accurate diagnosis, less invasive methods and better treatment planning for patients, ...

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