
Honeybee memories: Another piece of the Alzheimer's puzzle?

A breakdown of memory processes in humans can lead to conditions such as Alzheimer's and dementia. By looking at the simpler brain of a honeybee, new research published in Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, moves us a step ...

Oncology & Cancer

DNA fracturing rewires gene control in cancer

Understanding the mechanisms that mediate widespread DNA damage in the cancer genome is of great interest to cancer physicians and scientists because it may lead to improved treatments and diagnosis. In this study, a multi-institutional ...


Important mechanism of epigenetic gene regulation identified

How can defective gene activity leading to cancerbe avoided? Researchers at the University of Zurich have now identified a mechanism by which cells pass on the regulation of genetic information through epigenetic modifications. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cortisol excess hits natural DNA process and mental health hard

High concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol affect important DNA processes and increase the risk of long-term psychological consequences. These relationships are evident in a study from the Sahlgrenska Academy on patients ...

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