Psychology & Psychiatry

When dads play favorites, the kids know

(Medical Xpress)—Sibling Baby Boomers are likely to be more bothered by their fathers' favoring one over another than by their mothers' doing so, reports a new Purdue University study.

Sleep disorders

Helping SAD sufferers sleep soundly

Lying awake in bed plagues everyone occasionally, but for those with seasonal affective disorder, sleeplessness is routine. University of Pittsburgh researchers report in the Journal of Affective Disorders that individuals ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Resilience in trying times—a result of positive actions

Communities that stick together and do good for others cope better with crises and are happier for it, according to a new study by John Helliwell, from the University of British Columbia in Canada, and colleagues¹. Their ...


Day or night, driving while tired a leading cause of accidents

(Medical Xpress)—Get more sleep. Have another cup of coffee before you drive to school or work. It could save your life. A 100-car naturalistic driving study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute has shown ...


EAST: Stand-your-ground law linked to more gun injuries

(HealthDay)—States with a Stand-Your-Ground (SYG) law have significantly more pediatric assault injuries due to firearms, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Association for the Surgery ...


Case study validates teleconcussion

A program at Mayo Clinic using telemedicine technology is showing promise for patients with concussions in rural Arizona. A case study published in the December 2012 issue of Telemedicine and e-Health validates "teleconcussion" ...

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