Medical research

New insights on polymicrobial infections in chronic lung diseases

Chronic lung diseases are often accelerated and exacerbated by polymicrobial infections. An international study team led by MedUni Vienna has identified two types of these so-called dysbioses in cystic fibrosis. They display ...

Medical research

Deep dive into the gut unlocks new disease treatments

The more diverse species in your gut, the better it is for your health. Now an international team led by the Hudson Institute of Medical Research has found a way to determine which species are important and how they interact ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Scientists identify protein that protects against Lyme

Yale researchers have discovered a protein that helps protect hosts from infection with the tick-borne spirochete that causes Lyme Disease, a finding that may help diagnose and treat this infection, they report Nov. 11 in ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New tuberculosis drugs possible with understanding of old antibiotic

Tuberculosis, and other life-threatening microbial diseases, could be more effectively tackled with future drugs, thanks to new research into an old antibiotic by the University of Warwick and The Francis Crick Institute.

Medical research

Development of gut microbes and gut immunity linked

Studying twins from birth through age 2, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have shown that the gut's immune system develops in sync with the gut's tens of trillions of microbes. The findings ...

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