Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Excess protein linked to development of Parkinson's disease

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine say overexpression of a protein called alpha-synuclein appears to disrupt vital recycling processes in neurons, starting with the terminal extensions ...


Insights into the dynamic ultrastructure of the heart

What happens below the cellular level when the heart contracts and relaxes has long been unexplored. Thanks to new ultra-high-resolution electron microscopy techniques, scientists can now watch the heart beating at almost ...

Biomedical technology

New imaging technique may boost research in biology, neuroscience

Microscopists have long sought to find a way to produce high-quality, deep-tissue imaging of living subjects in a timely fashion. Until now, they had to choose between image quality or speed when it comes to looking into ...

Biomedical technology

Video: The brain during a heart attack

State-of-the-art photoacoustic microscopy (imaging using the heat given off by lasers) shows the blood flow in a mouse brain before, during, and after cardiac arrest, showing the drastic change in the brain's blood flow when ...

Oncology & Cancer

Opto-acoustic mesoscopy visualizes tumor tissue patterns

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. But individual tumors can vary significantly, presenting different spatial patterns within their mass. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and Helmholtz ...

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