
Kids allowed to 'sip' alcohol may start drinking earlier

Children who get a taste of their parents' wine now and then may be more likely than their peers to start drinking by high school, according to a new report in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.


What is sugar's role in child hyperactivity?

For years, parents have insisted that giving kids a big dose of sugar can amp them up, but the science failed to confirm their instincts. Now, with the rising awareness of sugar's role in our diets and health, scientists ...


More than one-fifth of high school students smoke: CDC

(HealthDay)—More than a fifth of American teens smoke or use tobacco in some way, which means that millions of them are putting themselves at risk for early death, a federal government study warns.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cyberbullying increases as students age

As students' age they are verbally and physically bullied less but cyberbullied more, non-native English speakers are not bullied more often than native English speakers and bullying increases as students' transition from ...

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