
UNICEF says Pakistan is riskiest country for newborns

The U.N. children's agency in a report released Tuesday singled out Pakistan as the riskiest country for newborns, saying that out of every 1,000 children born in Pakistan, 46 die at birth.


Number of EU nurses registering to work in UK plummets

The number of European Union nurses and midwives registering to work in Britain fell by almost 90 percent in the 12 months to September, according to the first full-year figures since the U.K. voted to leave the bloc.


Parents of newborn babies not aware of consequences of screening

A team of University of Manchester researchers have found that changes are urgently needed in how parents are informed about newborn bloodspot screening to ensure they understand it and its consequences for them and their ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Seven things you probably didn't know about midwives

The term "midwife" can conjure up images of a stern matron, iron pressed and ready for some no-nonsense birthing, or, in the more modern era, a back-rubbing, hand-holding, motivational cheerleader who can make or break the ...

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