Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Three reasons why strong perfumes give you a headache

Humans can smell over 1 trillion odours. But no two people will react in quite the same way to the same smell. While there are some smells almost everyone agrees are unpleasant (such as paint thinner or rotten food), our ...


Examining better-tolerated treatments for migraine pain

Migraine is a genetic neurologic disease that often goes undertreated. It's more than a typical headache. Sometimes migraine headaches come with pain so intense they can interrupt day-to-day activities.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

COVID-19 infections increase risk of long-term brain problems

If you've had COVID-19, it may still be messing with your brain. Those who have been infected with the virus are at increased risk of developing a range of neurological conditions in the first year after the infection, new ...


Q&A: Botox for migraines

I have suffered with migraines on and off for about five years. Recently, the oral therapy I've used seems to be less effective. While I know newer medications are available, a friend suggested I try Botox injections. She ...


Underweight, obesity may increase risk for migraine

Underweight and obesity are associated with increased migraine risk, according to a review published in the July/August issue of Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain.

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