Medical research

Research may offer relief to migraine sufferers

Research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine could pave the way for new treatments to manage migraines and chronic pain in women, improving their quality of life. The work is published in The Journal of Pain.

Medical research

Study looks at ways to predict when a migraine attack will occur

Migraine is often under-diagnosed and untreated, and even when it is treated, it can be difficult to treat early enough as well as find strategies to prevent attacks. A new study looks at ways to more accurately predict when ...


Common headaches tied to neck inflammation

Researchers have identified objective evidence of how the neck muscles are involved in primary headaches, according to a study being presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). ...


Children's growing pains may be linked to to migraines

New research published in Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain reveals that, in children and adolescents, pain in the lower limbs—what are often called "growing pains" by clinicians and are commonly attributed to ...


Migraine headaches: What they are and how to treat them

The first time it happened, I was in a high school physics class. Suddenly, I couldn't read half of the board. A crack zig-zagged through my vision, obscuring my teacher's notes. "Huh," I thought. "This can't be good."

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