Psychology & Psychiatry

Migraine tied to behavioral, psychological factors

Even in individuals without psychiatric comorbidities, specific behavioral and psychological factors are associated with migraine, according to a study published online Aug. 26 in The Journal of Headache and Pain.


Migraine may increase subsequent dementia risk

Migraine is associated with an increased risk for subsequent dementia, according to a study published online Aug. 24 in The Journal of Headache and Pain.


Migraine tied to lower cognitive, language function

Cognitive function and language function are lower in individuals with migraine versus those without, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis published online July 26 in The Journal of Headache and Pain.


Dietary niacin intake linked to migraine in US adults

Dietary niacin intake is associated with migraine among U.S. adults, with an L-shaped curve and an inflection point of about 21.0 mg/day, according to a study published online July 25 in Nutrients.

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