
Money worries around food may spur migraines

(HealthDay)— It's a link that few might consider, but new research suggests young adults who worry about affording groceries may be more likely to suffer migraines.

Psychology & Psychiatry

One in every 12 Canadian with migraines has attempted suicide

A new study by the University of Toronto (U of T), released this week, found that adults with migraine who had been sexually abused during childhood were three times more likely to have attempted suicide. Childhood physical ...


Researchers discover a new migraine-associated mechanism

A mutation in the gene that codes the ionic channel TRESK, involved in the control of neuron irritability, causes the dysfunction of some neurons that increase neuronal activity and induce migraine pain.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Dry eye and migraines might be linked: study

(HealthDay)—People with migraines may be at higher odds of also having chronic dry eye disease, and that's especially true for seniors, new research shows.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Discovery of novel mechanisms that cause migraines

Researchers at CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur and Inserm have demonstrated a new mechanism related to the onset of migraine. They found how a mutation that causes dysfunction in a protein which inhibits neuronal electrical ...

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