
How anti-Asian hate is worsening older San Franciscans' health

Fearful of becoming a victim of anti-Asian hate, older, Asian San Franciscans are choosing to spend more time at home, forgoing activities that they previously loved, like exercising, seeing loved ones and dining out, suggests ...


Predicting dementia using neural network characteristics

In many neurodegenerative conditions, brain changes occur before symptoms emerge. But now, researchers from Japan have found a new way to distinguish these conditions in the early stages according to changes in brain activity ...


Q&A: Memory loss

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My mom is in her 80s, and I've noticed that her memory seems to be slipping. Sometimes she forgets a person's name or can't recall what she did the day before. Is it normal to have these types of lapses ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Neurologist discusses mild cognitive impairment

We've all walked into a room, only to have forgotten exactly why we are there. Or maybe our ability to recall names of long-lost friends or classmates isn't quite what it used to be.

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