Psychology & Psychiatry

Marine training may take more mental than physical grit

The United States military has a constant need for service members who can serve in elite and specialized military units, such as the Marine Corps. However, because the training courses for these forces are so rigorous, the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New veterans suicide data shows work still needs to be done

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs recently released the 2019 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Report, which showed an increase in the number of veterans who died by suicide in 2017, the latest year with data available.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Veterans suffer from 'culture shock' when returning to university

The study, based on interviews with 20 military veterans on a US college campus found that civilians' trivial concerns, inappropriate clothing, lack of respect for lecturers and willingness to criticise the President of the ...


Military-civilian trauma system partnership developed

(HealthDay)—A growing partnership between the Military Health System and permanent civilian trauma institutions is being fostered, according to an article published in the August issue of the Journal of the American College ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Minds at attention: Military and mindfulness

Rather than the calm before the storm, the period before soldiers are deployed to a conflict zone is a time of extremely high demand and intense stress. Soldiers receive intensive training for the mission, while psychologically ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is there a dark side to moving in sync?

Moving in harmony can make people feel more connected to one another and, as a result, lead to positive collective action. Think of those feel-good vibes created in a yoga class as students move in unison through their downward-facing ...

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