
Health and the sustainable development agenda

On the eve of the UN summit on Sustainable Development goals, Alarcos Cieza of the WHO reminds us that disability is part of the human experience contributing to human diversity.


Child deaths halved since 1990, but UN goal missed

The number of deaths among children under five has halved globally since 1990—well short of the UN goal of slashing infant mortality by two-thirds in 25 years, said data released Wednesday.


Dismantling gains in global health?

As the Third International Conference on Financing for Development begins in Ethiopia, Áine Markham of Médecins Sans Frontières warns that basing funding decisions on country-level finance indicators could be a step backwards ...


UN: Goals helped lift one billion people from extreme poverty

A 15-year effort to implement eight goals adopted by world leaders at the start of the new millennium has helped lift more than one billion people out of extreme poverty, enabled more girls to go to school than ever before, ...


Tracking the viral parasites cruising our waterways

Humans aren't the only ones who like to cruise along the waterways, so do viruses. For the first time, a map of fecal viruses traveling our global waterways has been created using modeling methods to aid in assessing water ...


Have we achieved the millennium development goals?

As the deadline for the millennium development goals approaches, experts writing in The BMJ this week take stock of the successes, failures, and oversights, and look ahead to the next phase - the sustainable development goals.


Domestic violence deters contraception

Domestic violence takes many forms. The control of a woman's reproductive choices by her partner is one of them. A major study published in PLOS One, led by McGill PhD student Lauren Maxwell, showed that women who are abused ...

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