
Research moves closer to brain-machine interface autonomy

A University of Houston engineer is reporting in eNeuro that a brain-computer interface, a form of artificial intelligence, can sense when its user is expecting a reward by examining the interactions between single-neuron ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Want to become a better person? Travelling more might be the answer

Travelling offers new experiences and can open people's minds. It allows you to get out of your daily groove –- of work, commuting, housework and cooking – to think about the things that really matter and enjoy some quality ...


How the brain 'mentalizes' cooperation

What parts of your brain are involved in gauging a friend's actions and adjusting your own; for example, when you both carry a couch up a flight of stairs? Researchers in Japan have found that part of the right side of the ...


The neural components of imitation processes

We learn many things through imitation: how to walk, play an instument, sports, and even more. What are the processes in the brain responsible for imitation? For some years now, science has been examining the role of mirror ...


Why mirror neurons play a part in jubilation

The FIFA World Cup starts next Thursday in Brazil. When you, as a football fan, join in the celebrations because your favourite team wins or are extremely crestfallen at a defeat then the so-called mirror neurons are in play.

Autism spectrum disorders

Holding a mirror to brain changes in autism

Impaired social function is a cardinal symptom of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). One of the brain circuits that enable us to relate to other people is the "mirror neuron" system. This brain circuit is activated when we ...

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