
Why mirror neurons play a part in jubilation

The FIFA World Cup starts next Thursday in Brazil. When you, as a football fan, join in the celebrations because your favourite team wins or are extremely crestfallen at a defeat then the so-called mirror neurons are in play.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows mirror image scratching offers some relief

(Medical Xpress)—A study of mirrors and the tricks they can play on the mind has led to a finding that people scratching a mirror image of an arm instead of the one that truly itches, can provide some relief. In their paper ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Holding a mirror to brain changes in autism

Impaired social function is a cardinal symptom of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). One of the brain circuits that enable us to relate to other people is the "mirror neuron" system. This brain circuit is activated when we ...

Medical research

Mirrors ease Cambodian amputees' phantom pain

Pov Sopheak lost his left leg in a landmine blast in 1990. Yet some nights the pain in his "left foot" is so bad he cannot sleep. Like many amputees, he suffers from phantom pain.


'Mirror therapy' reduces chronic phantom pain

(Medical Xpress) -- A team of researchers led by Stefan Seidel from the University Department of Neurology at the MedUni Vienna has demonstrated that – and how – mirror therapy, as it is known, can help patients ...


Seeing eye to eye is key to copying, say scientists

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery but how do our brains decide when and who we should copy? Researchers from The University of Nottingham have found that the key may lie in an unspoken invitation communicated ...

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