Arthritis & Rheumatism

New app helps young people with arthritis communicate

Young people living with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA), the most common type of arthritis in children and teens, struggle to communicate their needs to their families and care teams. While it is important to support ...

Oncology & Cancer

Novel cervical screening prgram: A woman's needs come first

A collaboration in Malaysia is piloting a novel cervical screening program that features the comfort of self-sampling and the ease of digital communication. Led by the University of Malaya in partnership with other universities, ...


Science proves vaccines are helpful, not harmful, to society

As more and more parents buy into the belief that vaccines cause autism and refuse to vaccinate their children, previously eradicated diseases are making their way back into society. These beliefs are part of "post-truth" ...

Oncology & Cancer

App helps breast cancer survivors improve health after treatment

Breast cancer survivors who used a smartphone app created at Houston Methodist consistently lost weight, largely due to daily, real-time interactions with their health care team via the mobile app. Few clinically-tested mobile ...


Apps a timely reminder for those on heart medication

We use them for everything from banking to workouts, and now research from the University of Sydney shows mobile apps could potentially save lives by helping people with coronary heart disease keep on top of their medication.

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