
Mobile app records our erratic eating habits

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner? For too many of us, the three meals of the day go more like: office meeting pastry, mid-afternoon energy drink, and midnight pizza. In Cell Metabolism on September 24, Salk Institute scientists ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

FluPhone: Disease tracking by app

Influenza is sweeping the UK, schools are closing, workplaces are decimated, and the race for a vaccine has begun: all the elements of a scenario not so very hard to imagine.


Innovative game informs on heart disease

Arm and chest pain, cold sweat, nausea, dizziness and shortness of breath could all be signs of a pending heart attack, according to the new Flinders' School of Nursing and Midwifery iPad 'game.'


Smartphone apps to help smokers quit come up short

Many of the 11 million smokers in the U.S. have downloaded smartphone apps created to help them quit smoking. But since most of these apps don't include practices proven to help smokers quit, they may not be getting the help ...

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