
Deep learning algorithm can hear alcohol in voice

La Trobe University researchers have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that could work alongside expensive and potentially biased breath testing devices in pubs and clubs.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Novel device detects COVID-19 antibodies in five minutes

Rapid, cheap and accurate tests continue to be essential for epidemiological surveillance and for health services to monitor and contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Brazilian scientists have contributed to endeavors in this ...

Medical research

New target identified for treatment of premature aging disease

A stretch of DNA that hops around the human genome plays a role in premature aging disorders, scientists at the Salk Institute and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia have discovered. ...


Energy-efficient AI detects heart defects

CWI researchers Bojian Yin and Sander Bohté, together with their colleague Federico Corradi of Stichting Interuniversitair Micro-Elektronica Centrum (IMEC) in Eindhoven, have achieved a mathematical breakthrough in the computation ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Exercise apps do not meet older people's needs, according to study

In a context in which physical exercise is considered a key factor in healthy aging, a group of researchers led by the physiotherapist at the Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili health complex Luis Soto, working with experts in digital ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

What women want to see in pregnancy health apps

Digital health interventions, such as mobile applications, are increasingly being viewed as potential ways to encourage behavior change to improve health outcomes in areas including diet, exercise and sleep. Among women in ...

Overweight & Obesity

New app found to be an effective aid in the treatment of obesity

Onnikka is based on the Persuasive Systems Design method developed at the University of Oulu under the leadership of Professor Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, with a focus on guiding behavior change. Onnikka has now been developed ...

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