Psychology & Psychiatry

The troubling side effects of smartphones

If you are reading this on your smartphone, we have some bad news for you. That thing in your hand, designed to bring humanity closer together, is in many respects doing the exact opposite: Smartphones are driving fissures ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mobile phone radiation may affect memory performance in adolescents

Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields may have adverse effects on the development of memory performance of specific brain regions exposed during mobile phone use. These are the findings of a study involving nearly 700 adolescents ...


Drivers on the phone more cautious hands-free

Drivers use "self-regulation" techniques like slowing down when they use their mobile phone hands-free while driving, according to a new QUT study of Brisbane drivers in a high-tech simulator.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Simple digital detox tips can curb phone addiction habits

Before you dismiss the idea that you might suffer from smartphone addiction, consider how long could you go without checking your phone. A day? An evening? An hour? Internet use has skyrocketed over the past few decades due ...

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