
Mobile phones offer heart lifeline

Technology that turns low-cost mobile phones into sophisticated stethoscopes could save thousands of lives in poor countries.


'Innovating for every woman, every child' report published

A report published Online by The Lancet today -- "Innovating for Every Woman, Every Child" -- attempts to capture how changes in global developments and connectivity will interact in order to improve the health and wellbeing ...


Mobile phone data help track populations during disasters

Mobile phone positioning data can be used to monitor population movements during disasters and outbreaks, according to a study published in this week's PLoS Medicine. The study, conducted by Linus Bengtsson and colleagues ...


TV time: Why children watch multi-screens

New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, examines the relationship children have with electronic viewing devices and their habits ...


Mobile phone derived electromagnetic fields can disturb learning

High frequency non-ionizing radiation, emitted by mobile phones, is redundantly matter of discussions. The effects of high frequency electromagnetic fields derived from mobile phones have been discussed since the 1950s. Neuroscientists ...


Text message support for smokers doubles quit rates

Mobile phones could hold the key to people giving up smoking after a programme involving sending motivational and supportive text messages to smokers doubled quit rates at six months.

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