Medical research

A potential agent for treating preeclampsia

Preeclampsia usually begins after the 20th week of pregnancy. The affected women suddenly develop high blood pressure, they excrete increased amounts of protein in their urine (called proteinuria)—a sign that the small ...

Medical research

New insights into wound healing process

Biomedical engineers developed a technique to observe wound healing in real time, discovering a central role for cells known as fibroblasts. The work, reported in APL Bioengineering, is the first demonstration of a wound ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Seizures in Alzheimer's mouse model disrupt adult neurogenesis

Memory impairment and mood changes are typically observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease but what disturbs these neuronal functions is unclear. Some researchers have proposed that alterations in the production of new ...

Medical research

Hopes of new treatment strategies for glaucoma

In the search for new ways to treat the incurable eye disease glaucoma, researchers at Karolinska Institutet and St. Erik Eye Hospital have discovered more clues as to its pathogenesis. A new study shows how metabolic disturbance ...

Medical research

Marshaling the body's own weapons against psoriasis

A three-character code brings relief to patients with psoriasis and sheds light on complex immunoregulation processes: IL-4, an abbreviation for the endogenous signaling molecule Interleukin 4. The substance's ability to ...

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