
New model IDs inflammatory asthma without sputum

(HealthDay)—A new prediction model identifies eosinophilic asthma without the need for sputum induction, according to a study published online Dec. 28 in Allergy.

Medical research

Predicting disease emergence from forest fragmentation

A Massey University team has developed new ways of predicting disease-hot spots, created by humans changing the environment, to help identify where and how society can mitigate the risk of infectious disease emergence, such ...

Medical research

Predictive model identifies patients for genetic testing

Patients who, perhaps unbeknownst to their health care providers, are in need of genetic testing for rare undiagnosed diseases can be identified en masse based on routine information in electronic health records (EHRs), a ...


Transfer learning paves the way for new disease treatments

Technological advances in gene sequencing and computing have led to an explosion in the availability of bioinformatic data and processing power, respectively, creating a ripe nexus for artificial intelligence (AI) to design ...

Oncology & Cancer

Deep learning model classifies brain tumors with single MRI scan

A team of researchers at Washington University School of Medicine have developed a deep learning model that is capable of classifying a brain tumor as one of six common types using a single 3D MRI scan, according to a study ...

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