Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The rising threat of antibiotic resistance

A major European and global health issue is resistance to or inappropriate use of antibiotics. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) estimates that each year, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) results ...

Medical research

A call for global oversight of unproven stem cell therapies

The promotion and marketing of unproven stem cell therapies is a global problem that needs a global solution, say experts in a perspective published June 8 in the journal Stem Cell Reports. The authors of the paper call for ...


Is stress worsening your dry eye?

Long work hours, little sleep, a full inbox; balancing work and a social life: Stress can pile up and have notable physical effects on the body, including the eyes. Ocular symptoms such as burning, redness, irritation, watery ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How plants can change your state of mind

Plants look so different from animals, that it's easy for many people to think of them as alien and separate from us. Most people appreciate how pretty flowers and trees look and know photosynthesis is essential to life. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Loneliness and social isolation through the holidays

The holiday season, billed as the happiest time of the year, can be lonely, especially for those without close family and friends. Loneliness and social isolation, recognized as an epidemic by the World Health Organization ...

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