
Climate change lengthening allergy season

Air levels of pollen and mold spores in the San Francisco Bay Area are elevated for about two more months per year than in past decades, and higher temperatures are to blame, a Stanford Medicine study has found.


Indoor marijuana grow operations pose healthy threat

(Medical Xpress)—Houses and other buildings used to grow marijuana indoors contain high levels of mold, which could pose a health threat to residents living there and law enforcement agents investigating them, according ...


Q&A: What patients should know about fall and winter allergies

As we transition into colder months, fall and winter allergy sufferers may notice a change in their quality of life. If you're wondering whether or not you or your child have fall or winter allergies, here are some signs ...


Fall mold may trigger asthma attacks

Many people think of allergies and asthma as two completely different diseases. In Kentucky, up to 4 percent of the population has nasal allergies, and 8 percent of the population has asthma. However, allergies are one common ...


Michael's lingering threat: mold

(HealthDay)—In the flooding and devastation left by Hurricane Michael, Americans faced with the clean-up are facing a new health threat: mold.


Mold a long-term problem after flooding and disasters

One of the biggest issues surrounding flooding after natural disasters is mold, a problem that can stay with a structure long after floodwaters have receded. Considering that over 17 percent of homes already have some physical ...

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