Obstetrics & gynaecology

Scientists report new endometriosis findings

Endometriosis is a disease that affects 10 to 15 percent of all reproductive-aged women. Although no cure has been found, researchers seek to determine why some women develop endometriosis and in order to develop effective ...


Untangling the where and when of walking in the brain

Imagine walking on two treadmills at the gym, one side moving faster than the other. Would you be able to adapt to this change and come up with a new way of walking, or would you stagger and stumble as your legs falter about, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer drugs taking shape

In the era of molecular medicine, potentially active compounds for use in cancer therapies can be identified faster than ever before. Yet pinpointing the molecular target of an anticancer compound and deducing its mode of ...

Medical research

Fitting Kv potassium channels in the PIP2 puzzle

A recent study in the Journal of General Physiology brings new insights to an area of ion channel regulation: whether voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels can be regulated by physiological changes to PIP2.


Study of HIV increase in Pakistan could benefit other research

Rates of HIV have increased in Pakistan's general population, as the virus has spread beyond at-risk groups to women and their children, according to an international team of researchers, including a University of Florida ...

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