Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Are the eyes the key to a new test for Alzheimer's disease?

(Medical Xpress)—​A simple eye tracking test could hold the key to earlier Alzheimer's diagnosis, according to new research published in the Journal of the American Aging Association.

Inflammatory disorders

Sensor tracks cortisol levels in real time

Skoltech researchers have developed a prototype of a fluorescence-based sensor for continuous detection of cortisol concentrations in real time, which can help monitor various health conditions. The paper was published in ...


'Face time' for the heart diagnoses cardiac disease

To the careful observer, a person's face has long provided insight into what is going on beneath the surface. Now, with the assistance of a web camera and software algorithms, the face can also reveal whether or not an individual ...


Fall monitoring device could end standoffs, keep seniors safer

(Medical Xpress) -- It’s a scenario played out all too frequently: Adult children, worried about the safety of their aging parents, foist devices on them to monitor their safety. And their parents, resentful of having ...

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