Psychology & Psychiatry

Genetic predictors of postpartum depression uncovered

Johns Hopkins researchers say they have discovered specific chemical alterations in two genes that, when present during pregnancy, reliably predict whether a woman will develop postpartum depression.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study urges more research into sex differences in depression

In 2016, recognizing that lack of research in female animals was hampering the success of treatments for mood disorders, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) changed its policy for basic research to include sex as a biological ...


Probiotics and the gut-brain axis

A recent study published in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity has found that intake of multispecies probiotics has a beneficial effect on cognitive reactivity to sad mood in a randomized controlled trial.


FDA: studies do not tie Chantix to mental problems

(AP) -- Federal health officials said Monday that Pfizer's anti-smoking drug Chantix did not increase psychiatric problems like depression and suicidal thoughts in two studies, though the findings are not definitive.

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