
Scans show brain's estrogen activity changes during menopause

The transition to menopause is marked by a progressively higher density of estrogen receptors (ER) on brain cells, a measure that remains elevated in women up to their mid-sixties, according to a new brain imaging study led ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Q & A: Perimenopause transitions and concerns

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 41 years old, and at my last women's health appointment, I was told I was in perimenopause. What exactly does that mean? I haven't had any symptoms. What should I expect? Is there anything I should ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

The most common menopause symptoms you should know

Menopause, a natural stage of a woman's life marking the end of menstruation, can bring many physical and emotional changes that may leave her feeling bewildered and alone. Hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings can disrupt ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Postpartum depression is more than baby blues

Postpartum depression is real. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 1 out of every 10 new moms suffer from it. It's much more than what's called the "baby blues" because it lasts longer and tends to be more ...

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