
Medical ethics under Nazism

Did Nazi-era physicians study medical ethics? Does the concept of medical ethics exist independently of political systems? These were the questions driving Dr. Florian Bruns of Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Dr. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

We are more forgiving when people close to us misbehave

When people behave badly or unethically, their loved ones may judge them less harshly than they would judge a stranger who committed the same transgressions, but that leniency may come at the cost of the judger's own sense ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds that oxytocin enhances conformity

Hope you were nice to your mom on Mother's Day, because it turns out she was right all along: Hanging out with the wrong crowd can lead you to make bad decisions, and for the first time an ASU researcher has proved it and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Certain moral values may lead to more prejudice, discrimination

People who value following purity rules over caring for others are more likely to view gay and transgender people as less human, which leads to more prejudice and support for discriminatory public policies, according to a ...

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