Psychology & Psychiatry

Morals versus money: How we make social decisions

Our actions are guided by moral values. However, monetary incentives can get in the way of our good intentions. Neuroeconomists at the University of Zurich have now investigated which area of the brain resolves conflicts ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New theory of ethics may transform moral psychology

There is consensus among moral psychologists that moral judgment is intuitive and is accomplished by a rapid, automatic, and unconscious psychological process. However, psychologists say little as to what moral intuitions ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

An accident? Fijians view morals differently, study finds

Researchers from Brunel University London and Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, report that indigenous Fijians judge actions more harshly than they judge intent, in contrast to the Indo-Fijian and North American ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Certain moral values may lead to more prejudice, discrimination

People who value following purity rules over caring for others are more likely to view gay and transgender people as less human, which leads to more prejudice and support for discriminatory public policies, according to a ...


What is nitrous oxide, and how dangerous is it?

Media reports last week linked the use of "nangs" to the death of a teenager at schoolies week on the Gold Coast. Hamish Bidgood died when he fell from a balcony. He and his friends had reportedly been using "nangs" that ...

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