Psychology & Psychiatry

Good intentions ease pain, add to pleasure: study

A nurse's tender loving care really does ease the pain of a medical procedure, and grandma's cookies really do taste better, if we perceive them to be made with love - suggests newly published research by a University of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Moral dilemma: Would you kill 1 person to save 5?

Imagine a runaway boxcar heading toward five people who can't escape its path. Now imagine you had the power to reroute the boxcar onto different tracks with only one person along that route.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What will people do for money?

( -- At the April 4, 2011 annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society the subject of moral dilemmas and what people would really do was addressed. In a study presented by Oriel FeldmanHall of Cambridge ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

AI immortality: How deathbots are changing the way we grieve

A paper appearing in Topoi by Dr. Regina Fabry and Associate Professor Mark Alfano, from Macquarie University's Department of Philosophy, explores the impact "deathbots" might have on the way grief is experienced and the ...

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