Oncology & Cancer

Clinical trials show promise for prostate cancer drug

A 30 percent reduction in mortality risk is one of the impressive results achieved in a global clinical drug trial for the treatment of prostate cancer. The full trial data are due to be presented today at one of the world´s ...


1.69 million deaths attributed to extreme temperatures in 2019

(HealthDay)—Acute heat and cold exposure can increase mortality risk for multiple causes of death, with cold-attributable mortality exceeding heat-attributable mortality, according to a study published in the Aug. 21 issue ...

Radiology & Imaging

Researchers use deep learning to predict breast cancer risk

Compared with commonly used clinical risk factors, a sophisticated type of artificial intelligence (AI) called deep learning does a better job distinguishing between the mammograms of women who will later develop breast cancer ...


Study examines multivessel mortality rates

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study led by University at Albany School of Public Health Distinguished Professor Emeritus Edward L. Hannan finds a link between higher mortality rates and incomplete revascularization procedures ...


New study answers the question: Is anyone truly healthy?

A new long-term study of population-level data shows that when it comes to health, pretty much everyone could make improvements, plus the relationship with risk factors and mortality changes over time, sometimes in surprising ...

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