Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Research informs WHO mosquito net guideline update

The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its recommendation for malaria-preventing mosquito nets based on new research from the University of Adelaide.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

A new understanding of how the immune system deals with malaria

By analyzing samples from patients who have been treated for malaria in Sweden, researchers at Karolinska Institutet can now describe how the immune system acts to protect the body after a malaria infection. The results, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Invasive Asian mosquito species threatens African cities: study

A species of mosquito originally from Asia threatens to put tens of millions of city-dwellers in Africa at higher risk of catching malaria as the invading insect spreads throughout the continent, a study said Monday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New study raises hopes of eradication of malaria

After major global successes in the battle against malaria, the positive trend stalled around 2015—apart from in Zanzibar in East Africa, where the disease is increasingly rare. In a new study published in BMC Medicine, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Race is on to make Paris Olympics mosquito-free

France is scrambling to make sure that that virus-carrying tiger mosquitos, a growing menace in Europe, don't spoil the Paris Olympics for athletes and fans, with millions of visitors due in the French capital for the summer ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

What's new in fight against malaria?

Malaria has plagued human populations for millennia. Caused by species of Plasmodium parasites, which spread to, and between, humans through the bite of Anopheles mosquitos, malaria triggers symptoms ranging from fever and ...

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