
Air pollution found to reduce sperm motility

A small team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in and around Shanghai, China, has found evidence that men who live in heavily polluted areas may experience poor sperm motility. In their paper published in ...


New research shows bowel habits are written in our DNA

Do you "go" once a day? Maybe you go twice, or even three times? Or perhaps you only go a few times a week? Yes, we're talking about pooing. In our new study, we've found how often you go is, at least to some degree, a function ...

Oncology & Cancer

Zeroing in on melanoma's molecular spread

The secret to melanoma's metastatic spread could be a complex natural pathway it hijacks—one which may be a therapeutic target in combination with other targeted therapies and immunotherapies, according to new research ...

Medical research

Researcher solves longstanding fallopian tube transport debate

Wei Yan, MD, Ph.D., and his research group have solved a longstanding mystery and scientific debate about the mechanism underlying the gamete and embryo transport within the fallopian tube. Using a mouse model that lacked ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Gut bacteria could be responsible for side effect of Parkinson's drug

Bacteria in the small intestine can deaminate levodopa, the main drug that is used to treat Parkinson's disease. Bacterial processing of the unabsorbed fractions of the drug results in a metabolite that reduces gut motility. ...

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